Yesterday I had a rare day of holiday and along with the family headed up to London for a fun day out. Not, starting my day at five thirty in the morning probably isn't the best first ingredient for what I would call a fun day out, but with some time to sleep on the coach, and a coffee on arrival at Victoria St, I began to feel a little more alive.
Now I love London, but it is BIG. Knowing where things are in Bournemouth, no problem, it's like knowing the back of my hand. London, on the other hand (excuse the pun) is rather different. Maps were needed but it was all okay in the end, and we arrived at Westminster, spilling out onto the street in the shadow of the Houses of Parliament.

We found a boat and began to head down the Thames towards Greenwich, and after getting out river legs, began to enjoy the commentary from the boat's captain. Now, I can't remember much of what he said, but it was definitely interesting at the time. After passing about a billion ludicrously priced apartments overlooking the Thames, we finally arrived in Greenwich and began to head up to the observatory which is situated on a hill. I've got to admit this has got to be the greenest and cleanest I've ever seen London, so I've definitely logged that in my head for September. (It also helps that a friend of mine lives there so I can run away and escape the greyness of the city centre!)
We looked around the museum (?) bit, and watched a rather interesting video which went along the lines of "imagine nothing. Absolute nothing. No light or dark, no day or night. No planets or stars.... And then some billions of years ago time and energy exploded into all of the matter that then became the universe we see today..."
From Nothing, to Everything. For a subject that prides itself on logic that seemed remarkably illogical to me.
Anyway, we had a look at the Greenwich Meridian Line thingymajig, took some photos and pottered about looking at the house and museum and the huge ancient clocks. After enough discussion on geography and it's relation time, we got back on the boat and sailed back towards Westminster, arriving with a couple of hours to spare before our return home.
With some more map navigation I got us to Trafalgar Square, found a Caffe Nero and sat in the sunshine, surrounded by hundreds of tourists. I had a quick poke inside St Martin in the Fields as there were some Amnesty International banners outside, and after a failed attempt to get into the National Gallery we found that the National Portrait Gallery was open late. A quick peruse and then it was time to begin the trek home!
Time definitely flies when you're out and about. I look forward to having exciting London things on my doorstep in only a few months. However, I have that fear that I am one day going to get horrifically lost and end up kidapped by crazy Londoners who think I am an idiot.
Tomorrow I am having a hair cut...all of my hard work in growing my hair will be undone as I attempt to look less like a tramp with rats tails.
With that thought I shall say farewell. No lie in for me tomorrow. Instead I am up early to lose my tresses.
Bon weekend mon amis!