Sunday, 13 June 2010

Clay flowers and sunburn

It's got round to Sunday night and I am quite, quite exhausted. Pretty sure my weekends tire me more than the weekdays!

Saturday began with a rather early start, an early pick up and an early creative session involving clay. It was of course, the 'Ladies Day'. Not quite as fiercely feminist as it sounds, it was a great time for all the 'ladies' to get together for some worship, teaching, and ministry. Rather superb actually...I definitely appreciate being a 'lady'. Following a very civilised lunch of teeny tiny sandwiches, made more delicious by the fact they were teeny tiny, I visited a friends exciting new house where all of the ceilings are different shapes!

The late afternoon was taken up by an impromptu shopping trip where I was dragged into Topshop, which was of course, entirely uninitiated by myself, and spending an obscene amount of money.

The things we do for pretty things? I do now have a nice new frilly, floaty, lacy top :)

Anyway, off home I toddled for some make up, and hairspray before catching the bus into town for a friend's birthday and a night of cocktails and boogeying. The bus had two rather nasty chavy guys running up and down it shouting in that ear shattering voice they have 'Eeeeengaaaaaaaalaaaaand', and repeating themselves every two seconds, much to their amusmant and my disdain. By the time I had arrived in town, I admit, I was not the happiest of people. Whilst waiting for everyone else to arrive I decided to place myself on a nice bench, and calm myself down but unfortunately, as I always seem to do, I attracted some crazy man who decided to give me company.

Turns out, he was not nearly so crazy, although incredibly drunk and we had a nice little chat about nasty football supporters (I had lots of ammunition for that one!) and festivals. He shook my hand, wished me a nice evening and quite literally stumbled off to another pub.

When all of my friendies finally arrived, we trundled into one of the newer clubs in Bournemouth for some drinks and a nice little dance. I had two very delicious and delightfully decadent cocktails before we all traipsed downstairs for a dance...and there we stayed for three hours.

This morning (sunday) I was not too keen to get up, but my noisy neighbours with their yappy dogs and shouty child, decided that it was imperative that I did not stay asleep, and quite rightly so, I mean, who wants to have more than 6 hours undisturbed sleep in one night? Just greedy of me...

Anyhow, I went off to church this morning, as I do every week, and had a thoroughly wonderful time. The worship was lively, full of dancing, shouting, loud singing and celebrating; just how it should be! The preach was powerful, challenging and life shaping. It's such a blessing to be in such an incredibly dynamic and powerful church.

A student BBQ followed and there was lots of banter and lots of burgers, and then a hot trip to the beach. Needless to say, I, with the fair skin, am as red as a tomato... By the time we entered the bar tonight for chit chat and a drink, I was radiating heat. Surely there must be a hot joke there somewhere? I think I am too tired to find it.

So yes, that was my epic weekend. Quite a change to my dreary week of cancelled work, but definitely a welcome change! Some friends returned from uni this weekend and some are leaving to return to their far away homes half way across the world.
One day, I would quite like to gather all of those people that I love the most in one big place so they can all be friends together.

Perhaps heaven would be the perfect place?

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