Friday, 19 November 2010

Cat update

On Tuesday I came home to find a mouse in the kitchen.
By Thursday it was dead.

Tonight I come home to find a mouse in the cat food bowl.
Clearly cat biscuits don't do it for them any more.

Problem is, the mouse was slightly alive...clearly going to die, but I feel mean that I put it in the bin. I think it's back was broken but I still feel like an animal killer...stupid cats.

Today turned into a bit of a manic day. I think I have finally lost all restraints on the crazy, and I'm getting the odd funny look every now and then.
In other news, I had my first 'FP Cry'. Now, don't become all pitying, in fact it's almost a relief. FP is notoriously tough both for the busy manic life you lead, but also for the emotional upheaval and challenges you have to face. I'm not really a cryer, except when reading or watching films, or occasionally in church.

By the time I had hit my second FP training block in October, I was a bit of a wreck head wise, and just really weary, but I hadn't cried (unlike most of the other girls who had amusing stories of crying in offices on people who were giving them more work) ......until today. I was quite cheerful but a couple of stressful phone calls later, a situation out of my hands and a little more responsibility made me crack.

To the toilets I go to control myself. I think disaster was avoided, salt water didn't pour from my eyes and flood the rest of the office staff; I didn't create another Flood, so luckily Noah and his boat didn't need to be called in. And neither did I have a snot fest, which would've grossed every one out without a doubt.

Perhaps I am becoming that mature person...

HA who am I kidding, I spent youth work tonight pretending to be from Gladiator and shouting 'Are you rrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaadyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!!!!!!!!!'

Lots of love kids