Sunday, 16 January 2011


It's been a very bizarre few days...I returned to Centre Parcs this weekend, and am in fact still here currently. This time wasn't for FP but just general work. (YES I love my job!) and it's been a pretty great time, aside from the six hour drive up here. 

As we drove along the motorway, the coast was left far behind and I once again entered the unknown territory, more commonly known (and named by motorway signs) as 'The North'. For a southerner like I, the lack of sea and coast is plenty enough to make you a little claustrophobic but an insane amount of trees, and surprisingly large and friendly woodland wildlife manage to make me feel fairly normal. 

I haven't met so many new people at once for a while, and I definitely wasn't expecting it this weekend. However, being a person who thrives a little on social interaction I'm feeling fairly chirpy after meeting people from across the nation, sharing food, sharing stories...and basically sharing life. I must say, it's one of the many things I love about being a Christian; the innate knowledge that a guy or girl you meet is actually your brother and sister, and at the centre of their life you have something massive in common. It overcomes likes and dislikes, cultural barriers and general social awkwardness if you can push past the fear of generally meeting people who you've never even set eyes upon. 

No where else in life could you pick up loads of randoms and have such pleasant, civil and deep conversations and social occasions except with people who belong to The Church. It's radical, and I love community. 

The past few days I've been living with some people I didn't know before Friday evening, and that's been quite an adventure. As has the fact that until I got here, I knew only one girl who would be coming, and I've pretty much just hung out with boys all weekend...a tad unusual for the girl from an all girls grammar school who fully embraces all things girly and whose closest friends (apart from a few exceptions) are of the female gender. 

It has been really nice though. Boys are different and I like not having to be a silly girl sometimes...on arrival we had curry and beer. OM NOM NOM. 

So yes, with rapids and Starbucks, sadly no Nero, and a lot of new people, it's almost easy to forget that I came here for some incredible training in Student Work, and a whole lot of vision casting and encouragement. We've had a great variety of people teaching and some great times of worship, so altogether pretty great...

Still, one of my new year's resolution is that of honesty and vulnerability. Blogging makes this a little easier as I'm not facing a person, and in fact, many many people won't see this, and even some who do, I don't even know you.

I've basically decided that honesty is not weakness, it's part of being real, and more importantly, Jesus didn't say emotion was bad, and he certainly didn't hide away from it. In fact, several times the Bible gives details of occasions when he wept. So, although tonight I'm not in a mood for weeping, that doesn't mean that I haven't had those in the past month. 

Life is tough. My job is tough - it drains you physically and emotionally and much of my time spent looking after people leaves me feeling totally spent. It's in my DNA, my very core, it's part of who God made me to be, that desire to help and it's not something I ever want to lose or walk away from, but I am finding a new way of being wise about how I use that gift and that part of my character. 

I'm going for some health, some fun and some wisdom this year. I've not quite decided on how those turn into New Year's Resolutions but once I've decided I can let you little following readers know. I can almost hear you stop breathing you're so expectant. I'd encourage you to breathe again, it could take a while to formulate coherent thoughts.

Anyway, enough of my woodland ramblings, I need to get some sleep and prepare for a nice little sociable breakfast and walk tomorrow before heading back to the homeland. 

Good night chaps and chapettes. Much love

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