For the last few weeks my life has appeared to revolve around one event. 'In Bude' was a students and twenties weekend away, and being the person in the office, in charge of admin, and the one who does most of the organising, the responsibility for getting our rabble along, fell mostly to me.
Things were a little complicated with all the sorting out of people, lifts, money, and then if you add a lack of communication into the mix, there were a few paddies, a few rants and a few mental breakdowns along the way. (Well perhaps not the break down bit, but it was close at points)
So, last Friday, around fifty of my Students & Twenties drove down to Bude. Now Bude, in my head was going to be this cute little Cornish town, but in reality, we were about 15 mins away from Bude, and it was a weird place full of strange people who did a lot of glaring.
Fortunately we weren't really there for the tourism. Instead we had lots of incredible meetings, where God changed people, we were taught and we generally had a super fun time being in the presence of Jesus. All good really. For me there was definitely some stuff that really spoke to me, so that's being added to the list of things that have been influential over my FP year. Golly it's long!

Saturday afternoon was lovely, we took a drive along the coast, found ourselves at a wide expanse of beach, which definitely fulfilled my craving for the Cornish Coast. With rock pools, a man chasing us with a kite, and lots of people with cameras, we spent a very enjoyable few hours clambering over and around the rocks and chatting before heading into Bude for a cream tea. Not bad for an afternoons entertainment!
The weekend was in so many ways an answer to so many prayers. I loved being able to hang out with some of my close friends, chatting, cooking and such. We had some hilarious moments attempting to make carrot soup with not mushy carrots, no blender, and nothing but a masher and a stupid amount of coriander. Ew.
I also managed to set fire to cookies in the microwave on our way off on the Sunday afternoon, which left a smoky haze in all of the rooms, the fire alarm blaring, and my friend Hazel stood in front of the smoke detector with a fan. Rather amusing for all involved, particularly those who came to investigate all the commotion.
Post Bude, I'm attempting to chase people, cover all the basis and find out how people found things, and sort out some of the drama from the weekend. All fun and games, but has definitely kept me on my toes the past few weeks.

So I'm now intending to chill out with some West Wing, and hit the sack pretty early. I've realised how much I desperately need sleep, and as I'm off to Bristol next week I know I need to be vaguely prepared...physically and emotionally. Still, I can't say that's happened so far, so we'll so how it goes.
I'm very excited about a girly twirly coming back to btown this weekend and I know Easter isn't far off. Other people are making me grrrr with their lack of contact but I've washed my hands, and it's up to them.
I hope that updates you a little on me.
Today I am enjoying the new Noah and the Whale album. They make me happy. Although this album isn't as catchy as the first...yet.
Hugs and kisses