Thursday, 17 March 2011

I'm Baaaaack

I hope you gathered my tone of voice in that announcement. I have had a lot of caffeine these past days...

I'm back home tonight after a little more travelling around which seems to be a rather regular part of my life these days.

I had a very early start on Tuesday, followed by a whole day of teaching from Ephesians and then a girls night with my fellow Fpers. Ended up being a 20 hour day...

Wednesday passed in much the same way, although perhaps a little more sleep to start me off. A day of OT history was quite exciting and my head seems to be spinning a little at all of the different levels of things.

Today is Thursday (fairly obvious for you clever people) and we did things a little more visually, and got fairly practical too. Evangelism was our subject, and we dug deep. I loved it.

Sadly I appear to have lost around 95% of my cognitive ability, and after cooking a stir fry for dinner and watching more of The West Wing, it's well and truly time for my head to hit the pillow.

With love and general happiness,

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