Saturday, 23 July 2011

The beginning of the end

Over the past weeks my life has begun to take a slightly different shape to what it's looked like over the past year. It's now the end of July. Schools have broken up for Summer. And, things are beginning to end.

FP training is done. Brighton is done. And, as of tonight, working with our youth is done. I'm sad, I know good things are ahead, but, I love them, I love the fun we have, and I'm really going to miss it.

Tonight we left with a bang. Or, in sound terms, something more along the lines of a splat. 'Make a Trifle' is a great game if you have a lot of space and are willing to get messy. Throw fruit, jelly, custard and cream at a bowl from a distance...and, almost immediately, things will descend into a food fight worthy of cave men.

The chaos of being a youth leader is a nice opposite to the responsibility and organisation of the rest of my life. Where else do I get to throw food around, have eggs cracked on my head, and foam at the mouth with alka seltzer tablets and lemonade....?

And so, the beginning of the end is undeniably HERE. It's arrived like a rude person banging on the front door, determined to be let in.

Time to un-do those locks and bolts and accept the unchangeable.

Also, time for sleep.


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