Sunday, 23 October 2011


So, this is horrifically cheesy but I feel it somewhat proves a point.

"FAKE FRIENDS - Never ask for food...REAL FRIENDS - Are the reason you have NO food.
FAKE FRIENDS - Never seen you cry...REAL FRIENDS - Cry with you.
FAKE FRIENDS - Know a few things about you...REAL FRIENDS - Could write a book about you.
FAKE FRIENDS - Would knock on your front door...REAL FRIENDS - Walk right in and say "I'm home".
FAKE FRIENDS - Are around for awhile...REAL FRIENDS - Are for life.
FAKE FRIENDS - Will read this...REAL FRIENDS - Will steal this!♥"

Friends come over and cook things for themselves, have lunch, and raid the junk cupboard. Even at uni we share a LOT of food.
We have been known to collectively cry at the Notebook, or sit on the floor of a conference sharing some tears.
I'm fairly sure my friends could write a rather ridiculous, fairly trashy novel about my life. I wouldn't want them to, but I reckon it'd be possible.
There is no need for a doorbell at home. No one uses it. They just walk in. Sometimes when I'm in the shower. Then they drink tea and chat to my mum.
We have discussed how when we're old we'll be running a cake shop. I don't think this is a joke. I believe this to be a genuine plan...

I quite miss all of them, wherever they are from.


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