Saturday, 3 December 2011

Cranberry and Cinnamon

I've had a crazy few days. It got to Wednesday and I realised I had five essays due in the next seven days. Three are done, two more to go. BLAHHH. That's the joy of tomorrow!

Had an incredible night outside St Paul's yesterday, taking part in something called 7:14 which was a prayer event that went on all over the UK but also in cities across the globe. The idea was that Christians started getting real with the global issues, by talking to the one who can really change them. The photos and stories are incredible. I'll post mine soon!

Anyway, lots of work done, I felt that I deserved a night off so me and a couple of girls went to the cinema to see the new film 50/50. Really good. Haven't formed thoughts other than, how can something so sad yet so funny entertain me for two hours and only make me cry once. It also reminded me of my great love for Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I may need to watch 500 Days of Summer again sometime soon.

A new discovery of the day was Kopparberg's Christmas special cider. Cranberry and cinammon flavoured! Pretty delicious, and very festive. Could have down with more cranberries and cinammon though. It sort of just tasted like those big strawberry jelly sweets you have as a kid? I'm sure you know the ones.

So I finally feel as if I'm coming down from my sugar high and it's time for bed. I was going to dye my hair but I fear that if I did that now, things might go very very wrong. We could end up with a 'Vicki-the-goth' esqe situation once again, and that should never be repeated.

Lots of love friends

PS - Hope you're enjoying advent calendars. They may have nothing to do with Christmas but I love the excuse of chocolate each day.

PPS - I urge you to get into the reeeeal spirit of Christmas and find a carol service to go to.

That is all,
Yours, Miss Rambles.

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