So, as you may have noticed, I've been a little absent.
I turned to the dark side and investigated Tumblr for a while and whilst I rather like the hipster photos and quotes, it doesn't involve much skill or actual writing. SO, I'm back. I miss having a public place to ramble and keep things in order (or attempt to order the collage of madness that is my head!)
The past few months have literally whizzed by. I now have just three weeks left of teaching for my first year at uni and this is seriously scary pyjamas. Being in London is incredible and feels so utterly right but every so often I have pangs of homesickness for the countryside and the sea air and the sight of stars in the night sky instead of the flash of blue ambulances that defines life in East London.
It's been a while since I've seen my home friends, and I miss them lots. There's just something about being around people that know you inside out. Years doesn't quite compare to the months of London friendships. Saying that, friends came over tonight and we chilled and drank wine and ate cake and it was SO very very lovely just to lounge around together. I know I'm in halls and I know some of it's grotty but it's also home and I love it.
It's super late and I need to go to bed but the beautiful tones of Justin Vernon are charming me into babbling a little more. Currently my american friend Nellie is in the air, on her way to England. I've not seen her since before Christmas when she went back to the USA and although she's only here for a couple of days, I can't wait to hang out. I think we're going to a big vintage jumble sale tomorrow and maybe some other shopping.
But yes, life is good, I apologise for not filling your reading lists with the posts of Miss Rambles but she's back and loving the writing.
Much love kiddies
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