Sunday, 17 June 2012

Pining Away

A week has passed and I am longing for those busy streets in London that turn your feet black with grime, the noise of the weekend markets, and the transport that allows you travel any time of the night. 

I think that realising I am back at home for more than just a couple of weeks has allowed it to lose some of its sparkle. Also, it's been blowing a gale and raining cats and dogs. Just to use all of the ridiculous sayings imaginable. Anyway, with so little do (I remain unemployed at present) and with few people back from Uni, and my other friends working full time, it's been a rather slow week. In fact, I have been to Nero twice, had dinner at a friends and wandered around town. I've also read all three Hunger Games books. Addictive but unimpressive. And that, quite frankly summarises my accomplishments. Added on top of that the irritations of family life and I am a tad grumpy this Saturday evening. 

So yes, you might have noticed that this is a rather whiney post. I'm going to choose to blame the Hormones. Those noxious chemicals that I'm fairly sure are every girls poison. Talk about having destructive consequences! 

Tonight I've watched an inordinate amount of Gossip Girl and am well on my way to catching up with Season 5. Chuck Bass is more beautiful than ever, and I feel more inspired by hair-dos than I have in a long time. 

On that note, I am going to rest my achey head. Tomorrow is Sunday which means Church. HURRAH. I can't wait.

Sweet dreams, sleep tight! xxx

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