Friday, 28 September 2012

Three Weeks

I've been back in London for three weeks, and without internet for most of them. But, have no fear, the house is back in the land of the living, and speedy internet has allowed me to blog once again. 

Life has seemed more than a little busy recently, with a three day residential training session for the ParliaMentors programme I'm currently on, as well as returning to Uni and getting ready for some big student stuff I'm taking on with church this year. With all of that, as well as getting settled into our house (and being terribly grown up) I've felt a little overwhelmed, as much as I've been excited about being back in the city.

One of the best things, is that I now live only 15 minutes from one of my closest friends from home, and another friend has also moved to London and lives nearby! I believe I'm seeing them tomorrow for some quirky touristy things. 

I started lectures again this week, and have discovered that I'm going to be reading about four books a week. I'm not actually sure this is physically possible, so I'll keep you updated on that front....! I've also rekindled my love for Downton Abbey (I brought the box sets back to Uni when I popped home the other week) and these have been my much needed respite from the madness of life. It does mean however, that I feel I should be swanning about in evening gowns and gloves, getting married to a Lord, and scorning the Americans. I will overlook the fact I am part American in all of this. Still, it makes me much more inclined to speak 'properly', and act like a lady. This is something that doesn't happen very often when you live in a rather chilly student house. 

Anyhow, it's about time for bed. We're having house brunch in the morning (mainly as an excuse to use the plentiful bananas we've been collecting that are in need of cooking) and then I've got to go entertain myself with fun things whilst I still have the excuse my Uni books have yet to be delivered by Amazon.

Ta-ta for now darlings. xxx

Friday, 7 September 2012


With the sun shining, and my to-do list growing longer than my legs, I think I am feeling a tad overwhelmed by all the things I need to get done.

Oh dear.

I return to London on Sunday, and as the past week has been full of sadness, and organising, the uni situation has somewhat taken a back seat. However, Sunday is arriving rather soon and my lack of sorting is making me panic a tad.

However, after lunch today with a friend that's been living in Kenya for the past year and a bit, and a speedy coffee with one of the besties, I feel a tad more normal. Sort of.

PS - A friend made me LYCHEE RUM.

So, with the rum, a few clothes, the arrival of another close friend in London, and the promise of a busy few weeks, I should probably get off the computer.


Monday, 3 September 2012


Yesterday was a really sad day, for a number of reasons. I think it's going to take a few days for it all to sink in, and I'm not looking forward to have to leave the family.

We had a family day, full of blackberry picking, bad day time TV, lots of tea, napping and some tough phone calls. It's strange that I find peace in these things, despite the sadness we all feel. The sun was shining and we spent time attacking the garden and fighting the brambles. I think the crumble I've made for dinner will be a bit better than most because of the work that went into collecting the fruit.

Tomorrow we begin to sort out my Nan's things. Though we did some of this a few years ago when my Nan went into the Nursing Home, tomorrow I feel is going to be a challenge in a whole different way. Too many things and too many memories.

She taught me some of the most important things I know, from kindness, to banana bread, gardening to patience, sewing skills to generosity. I'm going to miss her lots.