Monday, 3 September 2012


Yesterday was a really sad day, for a number of reasons. I think it's going to take a few days for it all to sink in, and I'm not looking forward to have to leave the family.

We had a family day, full of blackberry picking, bad day time TV, lots of tea, napping and some tough phone calls. It's strange that I find peace in these things, despite the sadness we all feel. The sun was shining and we spent time attacking the garden and fighting the brambles. I think the crumble I've made for dinner will be a bit better than most because of the work that went into collecting the fruit.

Tomorrow we begin to sort out my Nan's things. Though we did some of this a few years ago when my Nan went into the Nursing Home, tomorrow I feel is going to be a challenge in a whole different way. Too many things and too many memories.

She taught me some of the most important things I know, from kindness, to banana bread, gardening to patience, sewing skills to generosity. I'm going to miss her lots.

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