Whether it's a hangover from being ill earlier this week (and no, I don't mean an alcohol inflicted ill), or perhaps just the volume of things I've agreed to do or am being forced to do with my course, but I have a great desire to curl up into a ball and catch up with a number of things.
Top of this list would be friends. Not all of my favourite people live in London, and that's sad. I desperately need a few hour-long phone calls and skype conversations. Not far down would be reading. My reading load for this year is impossible. In fact, I think I'm going to alternate which module doesn't get a look in. But, that doesn't stop my inner people-pleasing-self desperately trying to cram two huge, hefty novels into two days that are filled with lectures, people, and meetings already...
Also on the list is New Girl. Everyone needs some Schmitt humour to lighten up life, and I'm definitely craving a bit of that right now. I'll also add baking - I've invested in ingredients, but am awaiting more than a spare twenty minutes where I might get to do some actual cooking. This is also true for washing. My lack of clean clothes is going to prove a problem, in about three days. And by that, I mean I might need to leave the house in my onesie.
There's also a concern that I might collapse from rickets, or some other malnutritious-type disease because there are NO vegetables in my house, only carbs, Mainly in the form of frozen bagels. Not even good bagels.
And well, in amongst that list, one could always do with a light nap, some time off, and some real relaxing. I wont be adding those to the to-do list though. Lets keep things reasonable hey?
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