Oh gosh, it is Friday, and I am sat in front of a computer. I have been for most of the day, and as the Senate House Library database has crashed *panic and sob all at once* I am taking a break from the studying. To the blog I say!
This week has been a little full on, as I've begun working three days a week for an internship. The other days I'm attempting to complete second year Uni things...and maybe have a social life! As if. Fortunately lots of people are in the middle of exam season and aren't off doing too many fun things without me. (Some friends did go see QI being recorded this week which I definitely thought was a great idea!)
One of my favourite things this week has been the sunshine. It's been glorious. For someone that lived her life at the beach, splashing in the sea and soaking up the sun, summer quickly became my favourite time of year. It's been so many long, cold, damp months of winter, but fiiinally, the bright, glorious sun has got his hat on and has come out to play.
And I got burnt.
In April.
I am now rocking the lobster look (stupid vampire skin of mine!)
Anyway, disregarding my current tomato impression, I love the first few weeks of spring because of the change it brings in everyone. The whole of London has been outside, basking in the warmth, getting out the flip flops and donning sunglasses and big smiles. There's something about change that just gets everyone excited. This week it's felt like the whole city is buzzing with expectation, and I love it.
On Tuesday, I did a ton of shopping. All the things that I've been in need of for ages. Like a mirror...Yes that's right, I've not had a mirror since I moved into my house in September. I think it's a miracle I've not left the house in rainbow colours and pyjamas every day really. I also bought a rug to brighten up my oh-so-white bedroom, and lots of new make up. My favourite thing is my new lipstick, which is called 'Summer Pink' which I felt was rather fitting. It looks kind of like this...
Tuesday also involved an afternoon of gardening! Apparently, I've inherited the family love of planting things, and had the most domestic, green-fingered day, digging up weeds, turning over the soil and planting new seeds. I am incredibly excited to see things grow. Nature is a bit crazy, and I am still trying to get my head around the idea that some teeny, tiny, dots of brown might grow into beautiful flowers.

This week I spent rather a lot of time on the Southbank. Thursday in particular, was rather glorious. After finishing work, I headed to meet my lovely friend Suzie and succeeded in distracting her from revision, for the sake of chats and discussions. Hurrah. We decided to wander along the river, getting distracted by the book market that lives outside the BFI and then walking all the way up to St Paul's to get home. I kept crossing bridges, and being blown away by the way the city sprawls so invitingly, defined by its' skyline; the financial district to the East, Westminster (funnily enough) to the West, and all sorts of arts and cultural things right in the middle. St Paul's was looking particularly majestic in the early evening light...
This week has been a week to be thankful, of some great friends and numerous other blessings. No, life isn't easy, but there are moments of outstanding beauty if you know Whose eyes to look through.
So it may be Friday, and I may be scribbling away on a dissertation proposal (yes that is a year in advance you crazy uni!) but I am also aware that there is much, much to be joyful about.