I hung out with these lovely people and we went to Brighton for a biiiiig Christian conference, stayed in this house
with these lovely people
who were totally wonderful and fantastic!
We spent our time, worshipping, hearing amazing teaching, dancing, eating, chatting sleeping and all sorts...
Other highlights included seeing friend's miraculously healed by God of back problems and shoulder problems, seeing over £900,000 given in the offering to help build churches (not the buildings!) and swimming in Brighton sea fully clothes with hundreds of other christians from the conference after an incredible multi-national evening!
So following Brighton, my wonderful friend allowed us to go to her farm for a few days where we hung out in the swimming pool, hot tub, and beautiful Oxfordshire countryside. We worshipped God some more, chatted some more, made Pimms, went for walks, took hundreds of photos, played games, threw people in the pool, did some more worshipping of God, watched the stars, saw shooting stars, saw the sunrise, listened to music, watched people play music...
As you can see, it was quite, quite wonderful!! I am very thankful for all of my lovely friends for such wonderfulness and the epic people who cooked spaghetti bolognese for 24 people, and this is us all eating it!

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