Namely, I indulged my teenage love of vampires and went and saw Eclipse. Now, even if not a lot appears to happen plot wise, two hours of this... NOT to be missed. I fear that I left a puddle of drool surrounding my cinema seat when I left. Hopefully I was not the only one.
Tomorrow I am off on my travels. Along with lots of other studenty types, and a fair few incredibly cool church leaders I am going to Brighton! I am super duper excited. We have a giant girly house and we are going to worship God and we are going to talk and after aaaaaaall of that, we're travelling a bit more to a friend's chicken farm! There will be chickens! and fields! and a swimming pool AND hot tub!
...I hope from my excessive lists and exclamation marks you are catching the excitement bug. It is highly contagious and usually results in high pitched speaking and jumping up and down like beans.
Tonight I saw one of bestest friends. She is ginger, and a little insane. I've known her for years and we sat around her garden/park and chatted like we do every summer. It made me feel very philosophical and full of love for gingers. I thought she should get a mention. Also, the epic bannoffee pie that was made for her brother's birthday (the actual reason I was there!)
Anyhow, I am expecting a good week with little/no sleep. I am anticipating some life changing things and therefore feel shut eye would be to my benefit. And the benefit of anyone I come into contact with. I am a terrible, terrrrrible person when tired.
Also, I shall take a photo of my giant amount of stuff that I have packed. I am a serious packer. And not in a good way, I am the most over prepared person in the history of the world. That combined with my love for pretty clothes is just a failure-to-get-everything-in-the-car, waiting to happen.
Lots of summer love
PS. My pineapple is well and truly dead. After two days of wondering what the repulsive sick smell coming from the kitchen was, my rather clever mother determined it was my pineapple plant. Gone rotten. And not growing what. so. ever.
I may try again soon... x
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