Thursday, 19 August 2010

English Summertime

I've recently returned from a week at a Christian youth camp, known as Newday. It's pretty cool. I went as a member of the youth for three years, but this year I got to go as a leader...or a RA as we were occasionally known. Means 'responsible adult'. I laughed hysterically at this title.

Anyhow this was Newday


or at least what the BBC decided to cover of it. (For some reason, it won't allow me to give the links any other way)

What they didn't mention was the amazing sense of family, the 371 people miraculously healed by God of all sorts of sicknesses and the 320 or so people who decided to become Christians for the very first time. You see, Newday is all about seeing a new generation emerging in the plans that God has for them, and deciding to be proactive in changing their world.

I was amazingly blessed to see lots of answer to prayer in the way the youth I took responded to God, were freed by his Holy Spirit from things that were holding them back and generally grew together both as friends and disciples. In some ways, Newday has been the highlight of my year for the past four years. It's incredibly exciting.

What wasn't so exciting was the English summertime weather. Now in August, it's generally assumed that in the Northern Hemisphere that the sun shines, the temperature raises itself above about 2 degrees and the clouds disappear... Assumptions are wrong. We spent a week camping in the pouring rain, under dark angry clouds that thundered above us every few days, and all of this was accompanied by a howling and violent wind!

My snazzy new Mountain Warehouse tent stood up pretty well to this abuse though and so I wasn't a drowned rat 24/7!

Since I've been back I have had lots of Vicki time...which includes indulging my adoration of the West Wing (into series 2 now! Woop!), cooking yummy food and reading the new books that I bought whilst I was away. In addition I have done the entire world's washing. Or at least that is what it feels like.

Enough of my slightly impassioned blog update. I am not quite as ranty as I appear, I promise. In general I am quite full of love and such. I am however listening to Noah and the Whale's second album which is quite eager...

I shall leave you with their wonderul music.

Peace and love.

"Give me the love of an ORCHESTRAAAAAAAAAAAA!"


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