It's been very nice to see my friends these past few days, because I love them very much. It's not quite 'normal' friendship I don't think...perhaps because we aren't entirely normal? but anyhow, I miss them MASSES when I don't get to see them frequently. In fact, it makes our time together a little crazy afterwards. We hysterically laughed in Hobbycraft, in the car, and in Tesco for absolutely no reason yesterday.
'Maltesers' was enough to set me off. So anyhow, yesterday I got my hairs cut (they don't look any different really), did some errands, took a trip to Hobbycraft for crafty supplies and then went to my matey's house for a Lord of the Rings marathon.
Now when it comes to LOTR I am a serious geek. In fact, it may be said that I (and my friends) have problems. I took the elvish language so we could try and write our names in elvish. Mine looks like 'Martin' or 'Magpie'. I am so upset. We also made miscellaneous Origami things...such as water lilies and boxes. Sam's dog ate them.
But altogether, watching Viggo Mortensen run around and being reminded of the coolness of Hobbits was generally very fun.
Today, we went on one of our notorious day trips. The thing is, around Bournemouth there isn't a massive amount to do, and today was rainy so it wasn't as if we could just go and ramble around in a field or anything and have a picnic. We went to Salisbury, eventually... after Sarah arriving at my house still drunk, Antonia's tyre being close to bursting and Bridgette demanding toast and then burning it!
We spent the day mooching, picking at olives and buying crazy things from charity shops. I am quite disappointed we have yet to find some cool crazy hareem pants. This is what we're aiming for, or something like these...
Now I am home and go away tomorrow and I have lots of washing and I don't like packing because I have too much stuff and I have no dinner and I don't really want pizza but I might have to have it anyway.
As you can see I have a touch of sleepless crazy. It's fun.
I'm sure there were other things I was meant to mention. They escape me.
Lots of love!
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