I'm going to attempt to summarise the insane week I've just returned from, however, brain explosion is likely considering all that's gone on.
So last Wednesday evening, I left Bournemouth to begin my first week of training for FP Impact; the year intern course that I'm doing. After a bit of a shaky start, namely because I wasn't very organised and got a tad panicky about packing, I was dropped at the station and began the nearly four hour journey to Bristol. The train was cramped and tiny, I was a tad concerned it may fall apart but fortunately I got a seat and it didn't crash or anything of the like. I arrived in Bristol, made my way to my host's house and was nicely fed on spaghetti bolognese. It was all a little strange, turning up at someone's house whom I'd never met, and was going to live with all week.
Fortunately, she wasn't an axe-wielding maniac and I actually rather enjoyed being her lodger. We had many a laugh so all's good on that front.
Thursday was the official start to FP so bright and early we gathered at The Elmgrove Centre which belongs to City Church. The scared 'Is anyone going to like me?' atmosphere permeated the air but after many a 'get-to-know-you' game, we all relaxed and began to chill out. Thursday was an explanation of what we were going to get up to, followed by an evening with our hosts.
Isla (host) and I, had an exciting evening of 'Save the Last Dance' and about a billion plums... This was the beginning of many a plum comment. Plums have been haunting me ever since...
Friday began with lots of tea and coffee, followed by worship and then some incredible teaching on 'Spiritual Disciples' which covered prayer, bible study, worship, giving and fasting. Considering these are the key foundations, I found this so helpful but so challenging. The evening consisted of an epic social BBQ with the best catering I've seen in a long time and a 6ft BBQ. They sure know how to do Christian food...
Saturday was definitely one of my favourite days. We went on an adventure into Bristol city centre to do some evangelism. This took the form of treasure-hunting where-by you ask God to give you certain pieces of information (which you write down) and these gathered together form a sort of map, or outline, of who you should attempt to find. Within my group, Ali and I had many matching pieces of information that God had revealed to us so we were keen to find the guy 'James' God had told us to seek. Almost to the end of our time treasure-hunting we finally found someone, who fitted the description God had given us. This young guy was astounded that God had sought him out and we were able to pray for him to be healed and blessed. That left my totally buzzing! The remainder of the day was just a great time of looking around and socialising.
We visited John Wesley's chapel, a place of huge historical significance in terms of revival and it was incredible to see where such great things of God had taken place. Along with that, we drank coffee in a beautiful park, visited an old church and crypt and played in the fountains before grabbing some dinner in a trusty old Wetherspoons. A seriously fun day.
Sunday was similar in it's low key approach. We went to church in Bristol, and then some of the guys had a house some of us were able to go back to and share lunch in. Cameron cooked an epic roast dinner and we rambled around in the fields just outside of the city. All very picturesque! And then, their hosts returned home with the most giant mushroom I have ever seen. It was the size of a large beach ball, about 30cm in diameter and called a puffball. The lessons learnt this week are certainly not limited to theology! I feel very well informed on many a theme!! The evening activity was the church prayer meeting!
Monday began our intense training with a in depth study or Romans 1-6, 8 and 12 all based on GRACE. Wow, is all I have to say. Simon Walker, our teacher, teased answers from us and showed us how to look into the scrpiptures for truth. Pretty revealing all in all. Monday evening we ended up in 'spoons again, followed by another pub. Nicely social. Isla and I then may have continued chatting until 2am which hindered my willingness to wake up Tuesday morning...
Nevertheless, it was not a waste of effort and Tuesdays teaching on the Doctrine of Scripture and Hermeneutics was fascinating in terms of history, philosophy and God's sovereignty. Pretty intense stuff so an evening of Independence Day and 'Don't tell the bride' was duly appreciated.
Final day today and we were looking at the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. It was so exciting to see the promises about being given gifts, and about using them. We moved into some times of practical application and the way God moved in the Prophetic was astounding. It bowled me over completely just the way that God unlocks situations, uses other people to encourage you and just generally loves every detail and worry and hope that we call our lives. After another four hour journey but homeward this time, I am now close to crashing.
However, there has been so much going on this week, so much to be thankful for, so many new friends made, so much learnt, that I feel that my brain may indeed explode with the sheer vastness of what has been happening. This year is guna be a little scary and a lot amazing.
Peace, love and excitement.
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