Tuesday, 21 September 2010

C S Lewis

Currently I'm reading a book called 'Counterfeit gods' by Timothy Keller. It's good but challenging and I have 1000 things to read at the moment. Prioritising is the key...anyway, I digress. In one of these chapters, Keller quotes CS Lewis, and this struck me as a great summary of the life that too many of us lead.

"Most people, if they have really learned to look into their own hearts, would know that they do want, and want acutely, something that cannot be had in this world. There are all sorts of things in this world that offer to give it to you, but they never quite keep their promise. The longings which arise in us when we first fall in love, or first think of some foreign country, or first take up some subject that excites us, are longings which no marriage, no travel, no learning, can really satisfy.
I am now not speaking of what would be ordinairily called unsuccessful marriages, or holidays, or learned careers. I am speaking of the best possible ones. There was something we have grasped at, in that first moment of longing, which just fades away with reality. I think everyone knows what I mean. The wife may be a good wife, and the hotels and scenery may have been excellent, and chemistry may be a very exciting job, but something has evaded us."

I know too often in my own life, I'm aware too late that something has evaded me. For too long, I was blind to see that the life I led would not satisfy, that the friends I adored, the books I ate up, the media I consumed did not lead to life.

I am excited to say that I have found life, and hope for that matter. It is not a crutch, it is not a whimsical fancy, it is truth and foundation and most of all, I feel satisfied.

How? Jesus.

Peace and love, over and out. Until next time.

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