My life here seems to be a little strange. Last night I found myself at Jason Derulo's birthday party at a club in London. Certainly something I never would have imagined myself to do. I've also done NO reading since I've been here. This has to change as I have piles of things that need doing. I find myself in that slightly blathering place of tiredness and concern and excitement.
I really love my flat mates though. Not that I should really be surprised with who I was given in some ways, but it has been amazing. Hysterical laughing, talking around the kitchen table for hours and some wonderful conversation, as well as seeing a really great side to each of them, it's hard not to want to just never work and just hang out. Makes me sad already that two of them are only here until Christmas!
Still, I do miss my other friends. I feel like I'm being a bit bad at keeping in contact, but I guess we're not that far into term. Hmm.
I realise that my title of Miss Rambles could return at this rate. Probably will. I need to get some sleep, I need to be up early to help with some freshers fair stuff. Crazy.
Love Love Love
Still, I do miss my other friends. I feel like I'm being a bit bad at keeping in contact, but I guess we're not that far into term. Hmm.
I realise that my title of Miss Rambles could return at this rate. Probably will. I need to get some sleep, I need to be up early to help with some freshers fair stuff. Crazy.
Love Love Love
Jason Derulo! Flip, you're moving up in the world Vicki!!!!!!!! Hope you're enjoying it, thinking of you 'up there'! XXX