However, this weekend has been pretty immense, in a surreal, tricky, strange way. Yesterday we left Bournemouth around 9am, stopped for coffee and after getting a little lost coming off of the motorway, managed to find everything, including my flat and it's keys.
Yesterday was spent sorting, unpacking, organising bits and pieces and chatting a lot in the corridor that alternates between the walkway to the kitchen and our makeshift lounge. We went out in the evening, returned to the flat before deciding that our American flatmates needed educating in the joys of kebabs.
I fear that my nocturnal habits are going to return.
Today I had to get up to go and enrol, but I am now armed with a rather wonderful unattractive photo of my face on my student ID. Excellent stuff. More time chatting before I headed to church this afternoon.
I must admit, trying to find things in London when you have no clue where to go, is, I must admit, a tad tricky. Still, after a few wrong turns I found Christchurch. I won't lie, being somewhere where you know nobody is scary. Especially when everyone else knows everyone. It made me miss home a little, but was equally exhilarating Anyway, finding people to sit with, I had a great couple of hours, found my friend Rich and headed back to Uni for dinner.
Around 10pm we finally decided to head to a pub and after a hunt around Mile End, realised none were open, so jumped on the tube to Camden. As you do. So, we found ourselves thirty minutes later, in a very 'camden' establishment. Bright red walls, sticky floors and tables and off to one side, some sort of crazy dancing room.
Regardless, we had fun and it should be interesting to see what the next few days bring. It currently all just feels as if life is some strange social experiment; put strangers in small flats, and see how long they survive. For anyone who has read this far no doubt you'll be delighted to hear I shall keep the updates coming.
For now, however, it's time for SLEEEP.
Lots of love amigos xo
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