Thursday, 10 May 2012

I Promised a Post About Alpacas.

And I realise that was a few days ago, so as I'm having a break from revising Shakespeare, I'll fill you in on my adventures.

Last Sunday I awoke at the crack of dawn, or at least that was what it felt like. I had a meeting to be at for 10am the other side of London, and so I rolled out of bed and did the notorious vicki-type-thing, and ended up being late. Meeting finished, some friends and I decided to head to Vauxhall for some munch before heading back to Central London for church in the afternoon.
Wandering around the back streets of south London and what to our wondering eyes should appear, but an alpaca, a goat, and a grossly clucking turkey. We'd stumbled across Vauxhall City Farm, which is exactly what it says. A farm in the middle of the city. There were horses, and ducks, and chickens and pigs and shetland ponies. And even was FREE! So of course, we went in and had a look around.

We got to watch ducklings swimming for the first time, play with the crazy chickens and learnt to milk a cow. In the ecology garden there was a carved tree that held four musicians playing folk music. They encouraged us to dance, so we did. Oh and we got to help make some wool too.

It was very, very exciting. Possibly more so because London is not the place I expect to see sheep and alpacas. The alpaca was my favourite. So, amongst some other snaps, here's a photo of me being an alpaca.

Love amios xoxo

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