Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Time Lapse

I always find that the time between Christmas and New Year proves to be a bit... nothingy. It's like the days don't really exist, or perhaps too much Turkey just makes it appear that way. Regardless, I feel as if I'm in No-Man's-Land the half way between two sides of camp.

Christmas was good, full of family and food and an unexpected but very nice chance to get to church. The family, on the whole, behaved themselves and it all went rather smoothly. In fact, so smoothly it flew past! Boxing Day was much the same, but with a couple of hours at the beach marching up and down the promenade for some fresh air after being stuck inside.

My plans for this evening, due to my lack of transport and therefore inability to get to the cinema, is to start watching Downton Abbey. Series 1 and 2 was bought as a family Christmas pressie so I'm going to invest my time in the joys of period drama.

Until later, I hope that you're nearly finished with the leftovers and are enjoying this strange space and time where very little happens.

Love xo

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Half a Birthday and more than Half a Pudding.

A big shout out to the bessie, who turns twenty and a half today.

That's right, today is her HALF BIRTHDAY. A whole six months into the year of being twenty. Impressive.

In honour of this, here is half a cake.

However, considering we had two puddings this evening as part of our CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA with the girls, I don't think I'll be approaching let alone eating cake for a very long time.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of love

PS - Coffee finished the night and are my excuse for excessive capitals. x

Saturday, 17 December 2011


I leave London tomorrow.

There are about to be some goodbyes.

This makes me incredibly, incredibly sad. The other side of the world is one side too far.


Tuesday, 13 December 2011


There has been some serious baking in Flat 8.

Banana Muffins, Tiffiin and Rocky Road has been made in abundance.

I shall post more photos and details of my exciting weekend tomorrow when I get a spare moment.

Less than two weeks til Christmas, and only four days til the grand return to the coast.



Thursday, 8 December 2011

Julius Caesar

Having completed five essays in seven days I am now free of assignments until after Christmas.
I did actually take part in a small victory dance and a high five.

Tonight I have painted my nails a festive green and watched the beautiful Love Actually, filling myself with smushy feelings and thoughts of Christmas. Tomorrow the shopping begins. I am hoping for lots of good ideas and inspiration.

Night for now chickens.

Love x

PS - I love the typewriter in this.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Cranberry and Cinnamon

I've had a crazy few days. It got to Wednesday and I realised I had five essays due in the next seven days. Three are done, two more to go. BLAHHH. That's the joy of tomorrow!

Had an incredible night outside St Paul's yesterday, taking part in something called 7:14 which was a prayer event that went on all over the UK but also in cities across the globe. The idea was that Christians started getting real with the global issues, by talking to the one who can really change them. The photos and stories are incredible. I'll post mine soon!

Anyway, lots of work done, I felt that I deserved a night off so me and a couple of girls went to the cinema to see the new film 50/50. Really good. Haven't formed thoughts other than, how can something so sad yet so funny entertain me for two hours and only make me cry once. It also reminded me of my great love for Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I may need to watch 500 Days of Summer again sometime soon.

A new discovery of the day was Kopparberg's Christmas special cider. Cranberry and cinammon flavoured! Pretty delicious, and very festive. Could have down with more cranberries and cinammon though. It sort of just tasted like those big strawberry jelly sweets you have as a kid? I'm sure you know the ones.

So I finally feel as if I'm coming down from my sugar high and it's time for bed. I was going to dye my hair but I fear that if I did that now, things might go very very wrong. We could end up with a 'Vicki-the-goth' esqe situation once again, and that should never be repeated.

Lots of love friends

PS - Hope you're enjoying advent calendars. They may have nothing to do with Christmas but I love the excuse of chocolate each day.

PPS - I urge you to get into the reeeeal spirit of Christmas and find a carol service to go to.

That is all,
Yours, Miss Rambles.

Monday, 28 November 2011

December Looms

So, arriving in the post today was this...

I won't deny, it was a good addition to the day!

Today I froze in a cafe whilst trying to do some reading, chatted to Bridgette about medieval literature, translated some medieval literature, went to a lecture and seminar about feminism, walked to the market and bought 18 bananas for a £1 and did a Sainsbury's shop.

We may have had to get the bus home to save our arms from falling off. 

Mushroom Risotto for dinner for Sue and I and now time for some poetry.

It's a usual Monday for me.

Apart from the smell of burning issuing from one of the cupboards in the hallway... C'est la vie!


Friday, 25 November 2011


Living in close proximity to Americans meant that Thanksgiving was kind of a cert for this year. We've been discussing it for a while, but the day has finally arrived. And somewhat finished actually, I notice as I glance at the clock.

Anyway, work required my energy, so I was intending to get lots done today before dinner.
Didn't go so well.

A need for milk for tea for essay writing required a trip to the shop. And then it was the farmer's market. And then a friend popped over to enjoy the coffee and cake we'd bought.

A couple of hours later and Ryan (American) arrives back, announcing he's off to Saisburys and as a consequence of NO one nearby selling pumpkins for centre pieces, we decided to join. A little walk down to Whitechapel market and it feels like we're in a foreign country as we wander around the market.

Safe to say I don't have a clue what half the veg is that those market stalls sell. We found some crazy pumpkins though, green and stripy, and tiny. A mad run around Saisburys for gravy and rolls and table cloths and tea lights before the military operation that is cooking for Thanksgiving began. 

I think we totted up something like 14 kilos of food was cooked altogether. For 9 people. We decorated the table, decorated ourselves with nice clothes, and the americans from downstairs joined us for some GOOD food.

Civilised and mature. It was very strange. But definitely the best first Thanksgiving I've ever had.

Pudding involved apple pie. One of which fell out of the oven. The other of which later became a weapon as Ellie and I were paid £10 each to pie one another in the face. Maturity may have gone out of the window, but the whole situation was pee-yourself funny.

I've done no work, am incredibly full and am fairly sure my hands still smell of apple pie despite the shower.

However, I could not be more pleased that I get to live with such people.

I love London life.


Wednesday, 23 November 2011


So over the past year I've been working my way through nearly 140 episodes of The West Wing.

It has got to be one of the best TV shows ever produced.

It's incredible and I LOVE IT.

A year on, and I'm three episodes from the end. Of everything.

And I still love it.

In fact, in the way I wanted to cry my little heart out at the end of Lord of the Rings, or Harry Potter, that's how I feel now.

Ridiculous, yes. Cool, no. Normal for me, correct.

Unfortunately a poetry essay on the sublime and order calls to me, and demands more of my attention than Josh Lyman can. Definitely unfortunate.

Until then kids, check out the American politics system. Through fiction. I recommend!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, 19 November 2011

A Saturday in the City

I think they're meant to look like this.

Wake up at a friend's house following a lovely evening of chilling, eating and catching up, as the sun is pouring in the window, after you've slept for a sufficient time that you're no longer tired. 

Enjoy breakfast with her and her housemate. This should involve porridge, nuts, coffee and juice. Maybe some raisins if they can find them. 

Travel home, managing to catch the train as it arrives at the platform, and not get stuck with mess ups on the tube, despite crazy construction work.

Arrive home, check emails, and such, and then settle down to do some reading. Possibly get distracted by the beautiful sun that, though beginning to set, is making the sky the colour of candy floss and golden syrup as it lowers behind the gherkin and the rest of the London buildings you can see from your window.

Chat about cheese, being a bird and budgets with your Norwegian flat mate. 

Have a tea break with some Earl Grey and English Muffins, listening to some folk music.

And then write about how much you love the City.

I think that's a pretty good achievement by four in the afternoon. 


Friday, 18 November 2011


I'm often surprised by the capacity of the human brain to contain so many thoughts and ideas. 
I know that my head can often be overflowing with the madness that it stores within, hence the need for a blog, a journal and some friends that I can blather too. 

Since I've been in London I've probably not written as much as I was used to doing, and I'm fairly sure it's a bad thing, so I'm trying to change the habit. 

Sometimes it's good just to splurge my thoughts. Sometimes not. Like now, I'd like to say things but I think they deserve the diary. 

I've been reminded of Romans 8:6 over the past two days, and this verse:

For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. 

So often I allow my thoughts to affect me in a really negative way. My mind, whilst incredibly useful, can also be my own worst enemy when I don't use it properly.

I'd like to know more life and peace.

And those my friends, are the musings for the evening.

Time for bed.


Wednesday, 16 November 2011

I know I've said it before.

But, I just can't get over the incredible truth of this song. That this is my life.

That I am free to live as a daughter in His house. Outrageous love and grace, oh how you transform a life of brokenness into one of hope!


Thursday, 10 November 2011

The Return

So I'm back in London, have been for just over 24 hours, and although none of my flatmates are here, I'm really quite enjoying myself.

Last night a friend popped over for a cuppa and to watch Moulin Rouge. We did lots of chatting and such and generally babbled about how good visiting home was for each of us, but the confusion it leaves us in when returning to the big smog.

Today was really productive. I took back clothes, went to the bank, went to Boots, finished a book over a frappucino in Starbucks, did LOADS of washing, cooked dinner for a friend and had a wonderful evening catching up with my favourite ginger girl. We were rather decadent, with red wine, strong coffee, Hagen Daaz and Toblerone. Lots of chatting and hilarity and discussing the future and how ridiculously old we feel, although trapped in the bodies of twenty year olds. 

What can I say, it's been a fun few days. Tomorrow I'm off to Eastbourne for a church student weekend away! Which I'm hoping will be full of Jesus, meeting new people, and generally enjoying myself and building community. I need to pack and hunt around for the stopper to the air mattress...could be problematic!

On that note, I'm going to continue to blast Jesus music and dance around my room. If you want to join me, take a little listen... 

Lots of love xxx

Monday, 7 November 2011



I'm looking into what is involved in spending a semester abroad in the USA. I would love to go but trying to work out if it's a good idea/worth it/if I'm able to.

Yesterday I went on a bit of a road trip to collect some friends from the airport. They didn't know I was going, so their response was rather loooooovely. In fact, I've felt very loved this weekend. Today I had lunch with a friend in this incredible little vegetarian cafe. The soup of the day was parsnip and apple. Mmmmmmm! It's also my sister's birthday so we went shopping and for coffee and are about to have some indian food. 


I am seeing another friend tomorrow. She's a little like a leprechaun so I think we'll have some fun. HA!


Sunday, 6 November 2011

Home. Ish.

Home is where the heart is. I think I may have more than one heart or perhaps two halfs of one fairly large one.

I'm not sure, but today was beautiful and I loved being back at church and seeing people that I love. A lot.

This cat is me.

Saturday, 5 November 2011


I'm back on the south coast.

I'm in my old room.

I feel like I've been living a dream for the past two months.

I'm writing an essay about knowledge in Shakespeare.

I can hear fireworks and birdsong and cars.

It's nearly 3am.

Perhaps I'm going mad.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Personal Shopper

After an insane few days of work, and a busy timetable, we decided that we deserved the morning off, and it was time to go to Westfield and do a little shopping. I had a couple of things I needed to do for my sisters birthday, Ellie had a top to return...was all going to be very quick.

And then the Topshop Personal Shopper found us.

And instead of a quick trip, we were given a private room, Topshop water, and had this lovely woman wait on us hand and foot and recommend every kind of colour, size and style of clothing.

I bought this stunning full length dress which I need to find an excuse to wear. If I wait too long I might just start walking around the city pretending to be elegant. I also got a rather nice teal I have a reason to wear something other than a dress on the odd day!

Anyway, after that I had an encouraging chat with one of my seminar leaders, and have had a spot of late lunch. It's now pouring with rain in a wonderfully English way and I think I'm going to have a nicely busy evening.

Love x

Monday, 31 October 2011

Time to write something more substantial...

Where to start? So, today was Sunday. The clocks went back which meant I got an extra hour of sleep, although as one of my friends had his wallet stolen last night and we were up late trying to sort it, the extra hour didn't really feel as if it helped. Hmm,

Church this afternoon was absolutely fantastic though. Worship was intense, and passionate and we had an incredible talk on injustice and such. Baroness Cox spoke; she's part of The House of Lords, but uses that as a place to be a voice for the voiceless. 

This evening I cooked loaaads of veg, because I just don't get to eat enough on a student budget, and I've spent the evening finishing reading Frankenstein for tomorrow. I also may have sat and looked through every single photo I'm in on Facebook. Nothing like some procrastination... 

Still, all in all, today has been so full of God's grace in the way he's reminder me that His love is unswerving, it does not fail, and He has incredible plans which He's promised to fulfil. Not bad for what most would be a rather average day. 

This song was one of my favourites from over the summer so it was great to find it again today and have a little listen. I LOVE the lyrics.

Time for me to go to bed, I have a study date involving coffee by the canal at 9am.

Hugs to all (I miss those) and lots of blessings and such.


Sunday, 30 October 2011

Psalm 28

The LORD is my strength and my shield; 
   my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. 
My heart leaps for joy, 
   and with my song I praise him.
Psalm 28v7

Saturday, 29 October 2011


I am currently writing an assignment based on Marx, false truth and this article. 
I fear that I am get too angry for a piece of portfolio work...

"...we've even had corporate groups..."



Friday, 28 October 2011

Romeo and Juliet

One of the modules I am absolutely loving at the moment is Shakespeare. It's vaguely familiar and we've been doing exciting plays so far.

Anyway, tonight I had to translate some of Romeo and Juliet into modern English for a seminar discussion for tomorrow. Seriously, times like this, my singleness is wasted.

I think I need to get me some wings.

Sunday, 23 October 2011


So, this is horrifically cheesy but I feel it somewhat proves a point.

"FAKE FRIENDS - Never ask for food...REAL FRIENDS - Are the reason you have NO food.
FAKE FRIENDS - Never seen you cry...REAL FRIENDS - Cry with you.
FAKE FRIENDS - Know a few things about you...REAL FRIENDS - Could write a book about you.
FAKE FRIENDS - Would knock on your front door...REAL FRIENDS - Walk right in and say "I'm home".
FAKE FRIENDS - Are around for awhile...REAL FRIENDS - Are for life.
FAKE FRIENDS - Will read this...REAL FRIENDS - Will steal this!♥"

Friends come over and cook things for themselves, have lunch, and raid the junk cupboard. Even at uni we share a LOT of food.
We have been known to collectively cry at the Notebook, or sit on the floor of a conference sharing some tears.
I'm fairly sure my friends could write a rather ridiculous, fairly trashy novel about my life. I wouldn't want them to, but I reckon it'd be possible.
There is no need for a doorbell at home. No one uses it. They just walk in. Sometimes when I'm in the shower. Then they drink tea and chat to my mum.
We have discussed how when we're old we'll be running a cake shop. I don't think this is a joke. I believe this to be a genuine plan...

I quite miss all of them, wherever they are from.


Thursday, 20 October 2011

Bon Iver

I've just returned from Manchester, where I spent about 24 hours visiting a couple of friends and seeing Bon Iver. 

After spending a month or so in one place, it was nice to jump on a train again and be on the move, especially as last year I was on the move all the time. It was even nicer to be leapt upon by Bridgette as I got off the train at Manchester Piccadilly and then to find Sam there to greet both of us at the end of the platform. After hugs and such (which there aren't enough of at uni!) we trundled off to get coffee in this beautiful little place, and then headed back to Sam's freezing house. 

The north is cold. Really cold.

Anyway, after a dinner where we had to hack frozen chicken from the bone, we put on dresses (or at least Bridgette and I did) and went out to brave the weather. I won't lie, it was totally worth it. That and the extra train fare I had to pay because I missed my train like the moron I am.

Bon Iver is just perfect in every way. It made me do lots of thinking, wish I could sing or play an instrument and then struck me dumb by the beauty of

Imagine the magic of a fairytale but mixed with the heavenliness of heaven... and then add yourself into a room where you're struck by lights that look like leaves, and the fact that it was three and a half years ago that you first heard this music and you're with the same people, and that God has been amazingly good, and life is strange but wonderful.

I loved it. 

And may have left in a slight daze and continued to enthuse about the gig's wonderfulness ever since. 

Now back in London, having done very little reading or work over the past two days, feeling guilty but also a little insane. I cant quite explain it but I think I need to go for a run or something in the rain. Bit mental.

I'm going to go and read some Romeo and Juliet for my lecture tomorrow.
Probably won't help with mentalness right now.

Oh dear.


Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Ups and Downs

For several reasons I would like to be at home today.

For many other reasons I don't want to be.

Seriously, the capacity of the human heart is quite mad.


Saturday, 15 October 2011

I LOVE these.


Today has been looong, especially as I stayed up until 3am writing an essay. Still, it's been a good, if not a little packed. Most of my day was spent at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre again. This time there was no performance to watch but a lecture, followed by some drama workshops...

Normally, not really my thing. I may be dramatic on occasion but I'm no actress. I was pleasantly surprised however at how much fun I had. The lecture I found really interesting (in my English geekiness!) and the workshops definitely helped me understand what on earth was going on. And then we got to go and play about on the stage. Pretty cool I must admit.

Tonight I went out for some Thai food with some new friends. An intriguing story that one, but for another time.  I feel as if I've run all over London today, and I would like to do more. Unfortunately another essay has to be attempted and a giant pile of reading worked through...

I'm fairly sure life as a fresher wasn't meant to be this intense. One of my american flatmates has gone to Paris this weekend. I am seriously jealous. 

I'm off to get some sleep, sort out my body that is crying out for rest, and then have a productive day...ahem... 

Auf Wiedersehn 


Tuesday, 11 October 2011

I dare not ask.

"Can my day get any worse?" is usually a question for a bad film or cheesy cartoon. Normally involves pianos falling out of windows and crushing people on the pavement. Now, I've had no pianos.

In fact, in the grand scheme of things, it's not been that bad. HOWEVER, I have an insane amount of reading, essays and general other work related stuff to do.

...and then get told I have to, once again, wash literally everything I own because creatures in my room are continuing to bite me.

Goodbye life and hello staying awake until dawn to get everything done.



Monday, 10 October 2011

Confused much?

Today I overslept by two and a half hours. Almost impressive if it wasn't so annoying. Still, I've achieved all I'd planned so I guess it's not all bad. I went to church this afternoon which was fun, looking at God's call upon our lives to love cities, and how that is outworked. It was something I needed to hear; exactly why I am where I am. So that was good. There were also Krispy Kreme Doughnuts at the end of the service as it was their seventh anniversary. Also good.

We went for drinks after church and decided at about half eight it was time to head home for dinner. We took a de-tour into Tesco's and then took the oh-so-memorable 'twenty five to Ilford' home. This is the bus that goes from literally outside Uni, to apparently most of London. It's useful, cheaper than the tube, but is certainly not quick and often contains some interesting characters. (On the way to church there was a three week old kitten in a box on the bus. CUTE.)

So anyway, home, dinner, and then locked into my room to read. I can only say that I am out of my depth. I've been using an online dictionary to attempt to decipher most of the words in one of these articles. Utterly ridiculous. We were warned it was tricky, but quite frankly I barely understood two sentences. Our seminar tomorrow could prove interesting.

Anyway, tomorrow is going to be a bit of a manic Monday, with lots of running around town, and back to back things I need to be at from 9am until gone 6pm. Excitingly though it's the first Amnesty International meeting of the year.

Love Amigos xo

Sunday, 9 October 2011

One of My Favourite Things. Ever.

How I feel, in Icelandic. So, so beautiful.

Friday, 7 October 2011

It's three thirty in the morning.

A few days on from the debacle that has been dealing with the buildings/maintenance team at Uni and I am a tad less angry. Just a tad. I've had a couple of good seminars and have completed all of last weeks reading. And yes, I did mean last weeks.

I've had a strange few days but enjoyed a film night with the students from church, and went to chinatown on Wednesday. One of the many joys of London!

Today I got some work done, watched a bucket load of t.v on catch up and went to CU this evening, which, with a great talk on grace, was highly encouraging. The rest of the evening passed quickly and the plan was to get an earlyish night. Unfortunately living next door to friends means that I get distracted quickly and for quite a long time.

The lack of sleep and routine is beginning to make me dizzy in the sense that time passes and I've begun to lose track of days.

Anyway, enough sleep deprived ramblings, I need to awake in a few hours to discuss Shakespeare and his use of gender roles.

Good night, don't let the bed bugs bite. xo

PS - Ohhhh the irony! x

Monday, 3 October 2011

Dry Cleaning Fail

Uni have thrown all of my dry cleaning into a bin.

No joke.

Goodbye belongings.

Busy Week

Wow, so the past seven days have flown past, and yet strangely, London continues to feel like a holiday or joke.

The bedbug situation got worse, and Thursday involved me and Sue washing literally everything we own that could be washed. Five and a half hours later, I had done no reading but did have all of my things in black bags, nicely laundered. Needless to say, I was not in the best of moods. Still, things are looking up, and although my room looks like a prison, with no curtains and hospital style bed sheets borrowed from Uni, hopefully the bugs are nearly gone.

Lectures began this week, and with continuous late nights of chatting it's been a challenge to stay awake for an hour of administration. Seminars are definitely going to be more productive I think. My poetry seminar leader person, is a little insane. In the, 'I love poetry, am a massive geek and will go off on one' kind of way... interesting for someone in their mid twenties!

Friday was a definite highlight, with the baking sunshine, a great lecture on Shakespeare, followed by my first trip to The Globe Theatre, where we saw Much Ado About Nothing. Has to be one of the most incredible things I have ever seen and certainly my most enjoyable experience of Shakespeare. As we walked around St Paul's  over the Millennium Bridge and into The Globe, it was one of several 'I love London and my life' moments.

Similar moment was repeated yesterday as we sat enjoying a picnic lunch in Hyde Park, surrounded by more of this strange October sunshine, and autumn leaves. There are some excellent photos. Anyway, I also got free perfume from a stand outside Marble Arch, enjoyed lunch from Pret a Manger and saw an interesting protest from some activists fighting for Sharia law in Syria and the UK. Oh, and some crazy Egyptian raffle house thing. It was a cultured day, what can I say.

Today, being Sunday, I went to church, and one of my flatmates came along to see what it was like, having been part of a church choir back home. (Definitely a great God thing!)

I love having the chance to get my focus back onto Jesus and worship was quite exceptional. We went out for Wagamamas with everyone after, but I must admit, I miss home and the community I have there. I guess it's just initial newbie feelings. The girls called me briefly though when I got back, and it was so good to hear them, but I was definitely jealous of them being together. I'm just resting in the fact that God has led me here verrry clearly, and He will provide as He has done already. (Perhaps a prayer point please??)

Anyway, once again it's well into the middle of the night, I have to be up early to get work done before lectures, and so I shall dash.

Send me post. I love the stuff and I'm getting a reputation of having excellent post sending friends, thanks very much, Antonia, Sam and Hazel!

Love to all, or y'all as my american friends say xxx

Monday, 26 September 2011

Bed bugs

So the latest on the London adventure... I have bed bugs.

The girl I am next to and I both have bed bugs, apparently a rather common problem, but definitely a disgusting one. I woke up this morning to discover that I am covered in bites (half of which have gotten as big as five pence pieces). Uni maintenance have been out but it's a massive hassle and I am feeling a little sorry for myself. I have to wash EVERYTHING. And hope that they haven't got into any of my nice boxes of things....

I am going to cheer myself up with a pyjama evening with the rest of the flat, half of whom are ill.

Perhaps not the best day of my life, I will confess.

Love x

He Reigns

God so loved, that He gave His Son
To lay down his life for the sake of us
He bore the weight of our sin and shame
With a cry He said ‘It is finished’
Christ the Lord, overcame the darkness
He’s alive, death has been defeated

For He made us a way, by which we have been saved
He’s the Saviour of the world
So we lift up a shout for His fame and renown
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord
Jesus, Saviour of the world

We must spread the word of His soon return,
To reclaim the world, for His glory
Let the church now sing, of this coming king
Crowned with majesty, our Redeemer

And He reigns, ruler of the heavens
And His name, is Jesus the Messiah

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Dead Tired

Sleep is in short supply. Tonight, we stayed in, much to my pleasure, after only sleeping for four hours last night, and each of us were ready for bed at half nine. Then I made a pot of coffee and I have a feeling that we're all sat in our seperate rooms, still slightly buzzing and typing things up on facebook.

My life here seems to be a little strange. Last night I found myself at Jason Derulo's birthday party at a club in London. Certainly something I never would have imagined myself to do. I've also done NO reading since I've been here. This has to change as I have piles of things that need doing. I find myself in that slightly blathering place of tiredness and concern and excitement. 

I really love my flat mates though. Not that I should really be surprised with who I was given in some ways, but it has been amazing. Hysterical laughing, talking around the kitchen table for hours and some wonderful conversation, as well as seeing a really great side to each of them, it's hard not to want to just never work and just hang out. Makes me sad already that two of them are only here until Christmas!

Still, I do miss my other friends. I feel like I'm being a bit bad at keeping in contact, but I guess we're not that far into term. Hmm.

I realise that my title of Miss Rambles could return at this rate. Probably will. I need to get some sleep, I need to be up early to help with some freshers fair stuff. Crazy.

Love Love Love

Monday, 19 September 2011

Queen Mary

Ok, so, night two, it's 3am and I have Andrew Bird playing, a cup of tea in hand, and eyes so tired that I probably looked as if I've been punched.

However, this weekend has been pretty immense, in a surreal, tricky, strange way. Yesterday we left Bournemouth around 9am, stopped for coffee and after getting a little lost coming off of the motorway, managed to find everything, including my flat and it's keys.

My flat is on the third floor. PTL for a lift to help move all of my stuff upstairs. Our kitchen has two walls made of glass overlooking the canal. It may be a sludgy green colour, but I rather love it, and I've been really blessed with my flatmates.

Yesterday was spent sorting, unpacking, organising bits and pieces and chatting a lot in the corridor that alternates between the walkway to the kitchen and our makeshift lounge. We went out in the evening, returned to the flat before deciding that our American flatmates needed educating in the joys of kebabs.

I fear that my nocturnal habits are going to return.

Today I had to get up to go and enrol, but I am now armed with a rather wonderful unattractive photo of my face on my student ID. Excellent stuff. More time chatting before I headed to church this afternoon.

I must admit, trying to find things in London when you have no clue where to go, is, I must admit, a tad tricky. Still, after a few wrong turns I found Christchurch. I won't lie, being somewhere where you know nobody is scary. Especially when everyone else knows everyone. It made me miss home a little, but was equally exhilarating  Anyway, finding people to sit with, I had a great couple of hours, found my friend Rich and headed back to Uni for dinner.

Around 10pm we finally decided to head to a pub and after a hunt around Mile End, realised none were open, so jumped on the tube to Camden. As you do. So, we found ourselves thirty minutes later, in a very 'camden' establishment. Bright red walls, sticky floors and tables and off to one side, some sort of crazy dancing room.

Regardless, we had fun and it should be interesting to see what the next few days bring. It currently all just feels as if life is some strange social experiment; put strangers in small flats, and see how long they survive. For anyone who has read this far no doubt you'll be delighted to hear I shall keep the updates coming.

For now, however, it's time for SLEEEP.

Lots of love amigos xo

Friday, 16 September 2011


Everything is in boxes and bags. My clothes, my books...all of my craft supplies...

In the morning I move to London, I start University and the madness that I am sure Freshers Week will be. It's the start of a new adventure and with it comes the promise of God's faithfulness.

Bournemouth has been awesome, and Citygate, you have been the absolute best. But all the clichés are true...a new chapter is about to begin.

Much love to all and, I won't lie, your prayers would be MUCH appreciated.


Saturday, 10 September 2011

Pre Uni Spending

Today I continued the ridiculous splurge of money and bought (because I know you are dying to hear)

  1. Mascara
  2. A duvet cover
  3. Plastic boxes for under my bed
  4. Hair Dye
  5. Nail Varnish (I feel justified in this because I've been hunting for this colour for A MONTH!)
  6. A lamp
  7. A sleeping bag
  8. An air pump
  9. BOOTS!
  10. Lightbulbs
  11. Wine glasses
  12. A holdall
And I arrive home to find a box of BOOKS! NEW AND SHINY BOOKS! Studying English is going to be fun, purely for the amount of books I get to own.

Anyway, I need to go and change the colour of my hair and sew a dress before I go out for Leaving Drinks.
Sometimes, I do think that I am a tad ridiculous.


Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Work or Nero

After waking early to go to work I am now dressed and ready for the day...but with no work. For today or tomorrow. BOO! They steal my sleep and don't pay me for it. It seems a little unfair. 

So, its 9am and have no specific plans until 6pm tonight. 

I feel a Nero trip could be in order.


Tuesday, 6 September 2011

September Life Begins

It's currently blowing a gale and pouring with rain. Needless to say, I wasn't needed to sell ice cream at the beach, which was rather nice actually. A couple of extra hours of sleep and then a trip to hobbycraft. The plan was to buy fabric to make cushions but I refuse to pay £13 for a metre of printed cotton. I did however buy a nice new notebook which I think I'm going to fill with writing ideas and poetry and such. Just cos I'm cool....

Last night I had a fun evening with a couple of the girls, going for dinner at Pizza Express and then watching Doctor Who. We had a practically free three course dinner thanks to some vouchers, and had a fun few hours chatting and catching up from the past few weeks apart. We've decided to start a new blog which we'll write together. Go here to check it out!!

I think it sums us up quite well.

Tomorrow I'm having a goodbye evening from all of my cell group which I think could be quite sad. Over the next year we're all disappearing off across the world, from Canada to Bridport to London, so as one of the first to go, it could well be a bit emotional. They've been amazing support over the past two years so it'll be great to hang out for one last night. 

It's now just 11 days until I move to London and I'm panicking a little on the inside, despite the excitement. After a great Sunday at church, having lunch, walking over Hengistbury Head, chatting over tea and then the usual pub trip, I can't help but want to stay a bit, even if I know there are lots of great things ahead. I really do detest goodbyes. 

Anyway, lots to think about and prepare for. With no fabric bought for cushions, I'm going to have resort to making some more bunting for my craft afternoon with my knitting friend. 

Much love xoxo

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Bullet Pointed Thoughts

Here are some bullett pointed thoughts that are whizzing around my head....

  • I have massive writer's block.
  • The internet annoys me. You write things, it gets deleted.
  • I wonder if working in a depressingly dull job kills brain cells. 
  • I need to invest in some shoes that actually fit. I fear they have got bigger. Either that or rubbish Primark shoes shrink.
  • I am merely moaning and not sharing how good God has been the past few days.
  • I got an email today which made moving to London even more obvious and more scary. I DON'T WANT TO BE FRIENDLESS.
  • I have a shockingly large amount of stuff I need to do, and to organise.
  • A drink tomorrow with an old friend. I do love a good catch up.
  • I need some sleep.

This is what happens when I do nothing social for daaaays!


Thursday, 25 August 2011


A friend bought me a 1920s typewriter. From a French market. It's beautiful. I don't quite know what else to say. It looks like this. 

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Jesus Paid It All

I hear the Savior say
"Thy strength indeed is small
Child of weakness, watch and pray
Find in Me thine all in all"

’Cause Jesus paid it all
All to Him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow

Lord, now indeed I find
Thy pow'r and Thine alone
Can change the leper’s spots
And melt the heart of stone

And when before the throne
I stand in Him complete
Jesus died my soul to save
my lips shall still repeat

Oh, praise the One who paid my debt
And raised this life up from the dead

Oh, praise the One who paid my debt
And raised this life up from the dead

Monday, 22 August 2011

Devonshire - a report

I've been to 'Together at Westpoint' and I'm home now, a little more crazy than I was before. I am dearly hoping that it's purely a consequence of little sleep and a lot of work over the last week.

Tuesday began bright and early, with a splattering of rain, and a teeny car filled with the most stuff I have ever seen. Most of this was mine, but hey, camping required many, many things. Most notably, a tent. And that's big. The plan was to leave Bournemouth by 2pm. We left around 6pm and after an eventful drive along many wrong roads, arrived in Exeter in the dark. Thus, put up the big tent, in the dark. Not something I'd recommend. 

Wednesday dawned and we remembered the gigantic pile of stuff we'd left in the air craft hanger that needed to be sorted, organised and set up, and yet before we had time to process the task, 40 security fence panels arrived, each needing to be covered in hundreds of metres of fabric. Wednesday was a long day. Thursday even longer, with an earlier start, so we could complete all we needed to, before delegates arrived.

Meanwhile, Bournemouth was flooding and roads were being shut, which meant it took many people much longer to join us than expected. What can I say, things fall apart when we're not in town....? Anyway, before long people began to arrive and I managed to not nap on the sofa in front of them all as I made even more bunting. A dinner of slightly cold carbonara with the girls, before the first meeting began, and a fun evening we had worshipping Jesus and hearing from His word. 

Friday flew past, Saturday too, each spent in worship and hearing teaching, and enjoying the sunshine that we were so blessed with. In fact, I have a few more freckles, thanks to Mr Sunshine! We heard incredible talks from some of the great men that serve the churches in our region and our nation, and were encouraged to 'Remember the Poor' and 'Climb over the Walls', thus taking hold of the Kingdom of God and bringing the hope of the Gospel. Such a challenge does not fail to stir you, and today I'm going to try and process some of the many things I heard whilst away. 

Sunday, a strange day that required a lot of lifting and taking down. It wasn't something I was looking forward to but being cooked lunch, having a short break and playing a fantastic game of Tetris with all of the stuff in the pick up trucks, was, if not enjoyable, certainly not too annoying. We ended the day with the coffee and caffettiere we finally found in the bottom of a bag, and some Toblerone, all on top of a hill overlooking the rolling hills and fruit trees that were nearby. 

I'm home now, and have a lot of washing to do. And then I have work to return to tomorrow, and many, many people to say goodbye to.

On a more exciting note however, watch this space, for more adventures are on their way; for the prairie land is ours for the taking.

Much love to all Citygaters for you were fantastic this week in many, many ways.


Sunday, 14 August 2011

All Over the Country

Over the past few weeks I feel as if I've been all over England. From Norwich to Bournemouth to Cornwall to Bournemouth. I'm back for 36 hours, a friend's birthday celebration and then off again to Exeter. 

I've spent many, many hours in coaches and cars. I love travelling, but now, I'm getting a tad fed up. I would like to live in my house, with my bed and my normal routine.

However, University beckons in just a few short weeks. And so I feel that I will end up in another whirlwind which names itself Life but really just causes chaos in my head.

I had a nice time in Cornwall, and enjoyed great things like a balloon art installation in the Tate at St Ives, running across a beach in the pouring rain, watching Jousting in a 500 year old castle, pottering about little arty shops and eating mussels in a Cornish pub in a storm. Unfortunately it was a typical British holiday, full of rain and wind and so I am possibly paler now than I was at the start. It was lovely to spend time with the family though; despite their insanity, I feel rather comfortable there... Haha. 

Anyway, washing and packing call, as does a further trip across counties.


Tuesday, 9 August 2011


Since I was 16 I've spent a week of my summer at an event called Newday; a week of camping with around 7,000 young people who are all there to worship Jesus and hear more about living for Him. At the age of 16 I had the most life changing week. I'd been a Christian a year but God broke into my life in a completely different way, and I knew that I wanted the whole of my life to be about Him.

Four years and five Newdays later, and I have that surreal feeling of the heavens having been shaken, and eternity having been changed. I'm not exaggerating. When Jesus gets a hold of a life, something beautiful and mysterious happens as hope and life fill them. That's my story. From ruin to redemption, from death to life. From youth to leader, and yet Jesus stays the same, and the Good News is still incredibly and outrageously good.

A few days on, and life in the normal world resumes but all across the country are thousands of people living for something different. Then I listen to the news and hear of riots breaking out in every city. I hear countless voices suggesting solutions and yet their thoughts are futile. You cannot change the heart of a nation by providing police to rule the streets, and you cannot encourage change with a Prime Minister that threatens law and punishment. The answer for our nation is Jesus. The God of transformation and redemption, who deals with the heart and not just your actions. 

I was incredibly struck whilst away, by this quote by William Booth, the guy who began the Salvation Army. He said this...
“While women weep, as they do now, I'll fight; while children go hungry, as they do now I'll fight; while men go to prison, in and out, in and out, as they do now, I'll fight; while there is a drunkard left, while there is a poor lost girl upon the streets, while there remains one dark soul without the light of God, I'll fight, I'll fight to the very end!”

As I've been back home, pondering Newday and all that happened, I have come to realise that it is not just something that happens for a week in a field. Instead, it's about mobilising thousands of young men and women to live for Jesus, and in doing so, bringing about transformation across every sphere of society. Our nation needs a new day, where life has value, and love is a strong, fighting force, and not the feeble emotion it is portrayed to be.

Jesus, the hope for all. Always.


Friday, 29 July 2011


After my rather, shall we say, less than positive last post, I thought I might write a list of the things that make me really happy, or at least have done this week.

  1. God. I've had a fairly usual week but there have been some real exciting moments where I've just had things leap out at me when reading the Bible, and a couple of Holy Spirit encounters whilst out and about. Being a Christian is never boring. 
  2. Good friends, good food and good films. I love my friends a lot, they're pretty snazzy, and wonderfully weird so I like chilling out with them.
  3. Reducing my caffeine intake and not going to Nero once this week. That's progress. However, tomorrow is Saturday and entirely for social reasons I may be venturing to the caffeine house...
  4. Finishing a good book, and starting an even better one. It's meaty but I think I'm going to love it - I'll keep you up to date with my progress.
  5. Sleeping. I love sleep; it makes me feel alive and healthy, and ensures I don't look like a zombie. I've had some early nights. Tonight will hopefully be another.
  6. Church; lots of people spent a day helping me out. It was very lovely to see their servant heartedness.
  7. Achieving things on my to-do lists. I had lists of things to get done as long as my arms, if not several arms sewn together, and I think I've got everything done. AND without having a total meltdown. 
  8. Listening to some old 'new' music that I found on my iPod and forgot I had.
  9. Going rambling over the Purbecks. Dorset is beautiful and I don't see enough of it, so it was great to get a chance to go adventuring as well as catch up with a friend.
  10. The West Wing. I genuinely think this show is phenomenal. America. Politics. Idealism. Wit. Humour. That is a good list of ingredients.
Now, time for some relaxing and sorting in prep for a busy weekend followed by a crazy week of camping with nearly 7000 young people. I need to find my sensible leader brain and pack that too... Hmmm....

Hugs and such

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Things That Annoy Me

A short list of things that irritate me...

  1. Incorrect use of grammar, and poor spelling. There are no excuses, use Google Chrome and it checks everything for you.
  2. Terrible sales. Wandered around the summer sales in the hopes of finding a cheap dress for a birthday. No such luck. There was nothing, I repeat nothing, around that was nice.
  3. The expensiveness of toiletries.
  4. Boys.
  5. Rain in July. And the prospect of rain when I am camping for a week at the beginning of August.
  6. The increasingly sad and depressing secrets that are posted each week on 
  7. The slowness of megavideo when you're trying to watch something and have a limited amount of time.
  8. Being left piles of washing up that aren't mine, but I can't ignore because I need to cook dinner.
  9. Not having enough time to have fun and see friends.
  10. My inability to finish a book quickly at the moment because I keep falling asleep when I sit down to read.
Despite all of those things, today was fairly productive and not at all miserable. But, what are blogs for if you can't rant and use bullet points.

Happy Tuesday People!!


Saturday, 23 July 2011

The beginning of the end

Over the past weeks my life has begun to take a slightly different shape to what it's looked like over the past year. It's now the end of July. Schools have broken up for Summer. And, things are beginning to end.

FP training is done. Brighton is done. And, as of tonight, working with our youth is done. I'm sad, I know good things are ahead, but, I love them, I love the fun we have, and I'm really going to miss it.

Tonight we left with a bang. Or, in sound terms, something more along the lines of a splat. 'Make a Trifle' is a great game if you have a lot of space and are willing to get messy. Throw fruit, jelly, custard and cream at a bowl from a distance...and, almost immediately, things will descend into a food fight worthy of cave men.

The chaos of being a youth leader is a nice opposite to the responsibility and organisation of the rest of my life. Where else do I get to throw food around, have eggs cracked on my head, and foam at the mouth with alka seltzer tablets and lemonade....?

And so, the beginning of the end is undeniably HERE. It's arrived like a rude person banging on the front door, determined to be let in.

Time to un-do those locks and bolts and accept the unchangeable.

Also, time for sleep.


Monday, 18 July 2011


Sadly TOAM is not just the aldi version of MAOAM sweets...actually it's better than that. Together on a Mission has been the yearly conference I've attended for the past four years in Brighton.

I've been home for a few days now but what with a wedding, church and general Sunday madness, and then back to the office today it's been a little like life is on fast forward.This time last week we'd arrived in Brighton, entered our beautiful 12 person apartment on the seafront, with views over the beach and the iconic Brighton pier. We'd had a rather tasty meal if I do say so myself (I cooked) and were busy chatting and chilling out, little aware of what was ahead of us.Early mornings, a mad scramble to get into the showers, and the laughter as we fell out of the front door, rather late, and hurried to the conference centre. I've always been a little confused by those people who seem to know everyone in a crowd of over 6000. Now, I'm not saying I know that many, quite the opposite, but what with doing FP, going to about a billion different meetings and conferences this year and visiting a lot of different churches, it was pretty great bumping into so many people, catching up and seeing where people were at. I think I'd forgotten just how many new people I've met his year. Insane. 
The teaching this week was phenomenal. Some of the things I heard were genuinely life changing. God showed up and totally did something in the Spirit that I wasn't expecting so I'm feeling a little giddy in terms of where I stand with things. Ever have that moment where you remember JUST how much God knows your heart? I was given the joy of seeing that a couple of times this week with things God said to me directly or through others who don't know me. Incredible.

Anyway, with loads of fun together, lots of dancing, lots of bumping into FPers, and a swim in the sea at about 10.30pm on the final night we had a lot of fun... I am still sooo sleepy though!

Last night managed to give me a further boost though, for after watching an incredible film called 'Furious Love' which looked at the way God loves in the darkest of places, when there is no other hope, we had the most incredible spontaneous worship and prayer session...just 20 of us in someone's lounge. 

I've often pondered the nature of love. Is it just a chemical reaction? or an emotion? is it based purely on attraction or need? Or, is it, as I suspect, something almost other worldly, something other, something that comes from God, that has a power and a strength that is unnoticed and undiscovered by so many. Love is like  so many of those other 'L' words; Life and Light. With it, comes connotations of hope and possibility. 

God is Love. Whether recognised or not, any love at all involves God and His Grace. Ephesians 3v17-19
"And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Less Intense

A less intense blog post for your perusal.

I have had a not so busy week that has involved a lot of trips to Nero. This seems like the usual for my life so perhaps I should stop being so shocked by my caffeine intake and ability to sit and talk about nothing. 

I have baked a hideous amount of cookies and brownies. I only hope my guinea pigs don't die, and by guinea pigs I mean housemates for Brighton. I may have used slightly out of date eggs. 

Speaking of Brighton I am off to that vibrant city tomorrow for five days of uber fun, but probably incredibly intense teaching. I am expecting (and hoping for) some really directional, helpful stuff and as much joy as I can experience without having a heart attack.

So, things in my head currently...

Number 1 - Cookies and how to transport them! Ideas???

Number 2 - This rather cool website a friend recommended. Go here! 

Number 3 - The need to paint all of my nails without getting nail varnish on my duvet when I sleep. Hmm.

Number 4 - This place... Which I think is really cool. 

Number 5 - My need for a new journal, and fear that I have too few pages left in my current one for the week ahead.

Number 6 - My dislike of change. It's like not having real money! Why pay me back with nothingness??

Number 7 - These people that I love very much.

Number 8 - The West Wing, which has occupied most of my evening, and what will happen in the final three episodes of Season 5. Duhn, duhn, duhhhhhn!

Number 9 - Who on earth pays attention to the madness I write and why. I'd like to hear from you.

Number 10 - Why I am still tapping the keyboard and haven't begun sleeping...



Monday, 4 July 2011

From Thoughts to Words to Actions

A week or so ago I started to begin to decipher my thoughts, as FP ended, my friends returned from Uni, and I did the inevitable balancing act that has become my life. After trying to move my thoughts into words, and imprint them upon a page, I realised it wasn't working, abandoned the attempt and picked up a book, deciding to lose myself in some else's thoughts, and another's words.

Book finished, balancing act continuing, and FP still over, and it's probably time to face the things that I'm trying to ignore.

The end of June meant the end of FP Training. We celebrated what God had done in our lives, and spoke about what God was going to do in us. I had that amazing moment of joy as I looked around at 27 others whose lives had been radically changed inside and out. With a social on a boat, and plenty of time to chat and dance and have fun together, it was with a twinge of sadness that we said goodbye to each other, and to the Elmgrove where we spent so much of our time. I can't deny that it was an incredible few days, and for me personally, God spoke some amazingly reassuring, encouraging and challenging things. Of course, me being me, decided I'd write them in my journal and ignore their bigness. I'm beginning to think I might actually have to do something with them though.

Returning to Bournemouth led me to a fun celebration of a friend's birthday, a visit to my nan, and a fun Sunday dancing around Boscombe promenade enjoying the sunshine and the music being played.

Another week began and with a visit to London in sight, the days glided past quickly, until it was early Thursday morning and it was time to get on a coach. I travelled up to London with friends for a mini festival in Hyde Park. Owen Pallet, The Vaccines, Beirut, Mumford & Sons and Arcade Fire entertained us from four til eleven, and by the end my feet were grubby, my ears ringing, and a grin was plastered to my face. I love live music with some of my favourite bands.

Friday continued the London adventure with a trip to Camden where I was tempted to steal piles of leather bound notebooks with beautiful plain pages, just waiting to be written upon, and then off to Trafalgar Square for a Nero in the sun and a visit to The National Gallery.

With so much running about, it was a wonder we managed to stay awake on the train home, but that we did, and I arrived back in time to get sufficient sleep that a day at the beach was possible on Saturday.

Spending time in London is an exciting thing in that I get to ponder all of the exciting opportunities I'll have on my doorstep come September, but is also a reminder that London is huge and I'm a shy girl from the South that likes pretending to be a hippy, and hiding in the local coffee shop. A giant city is scaaary!!

Anyway, all of the things I've been up to have slightly pushed actual 'thoughts' outside of my head...or at least to a place I can ignore them. This week I might actually have to look at making some actions come of those musings.

For now, I'm going to make some iced tea and relax in the garden with some Piper.

LOVE xoxo

Monday, 20 June 2011


After a lovely chilled weekend, involving Mexican and Margaritas on Saturday and a lot of guitar playing and signing on decking on Sunday, the arrival of a drizzly, dreary Monday was not welcomed.

Today also beckons the arrival of the last block of FP Training. A year on and we've made it. And after an email reminding us it was the last, I suddenly realised quite how much I'm going to miss the people, the teaching, and the fun that marks each time I go to Bristol.

This week is probably going to be a bit sad...probably more than a bit. I'm not a fan of change, I hate goodbyes, and the chance to look at the future is all rather terrifying. But hey, it's the real world from now on....

Ha, perhaps not, but probably less of the FP bubble which I love.

T. S. Eliot says this in Four Quartets, 

"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."

If this is an end, a beginning must be  hiding around the corner, waiting for us to walk straight into it. 
Let's pray it's a good one.
